
Showing posts from April, 2023

Wine and Cheese Pairing

Wow, what an oppurtunity to write about wine and cheese. Two of the greatest things, what else could I ask for??? To begin our pairing adventure, we headed out to the wonderful gucci kroger and bought three wines and three cheese. We picked our cheeses based off what we knew we liked, and the for the wines we picked one white, one rose, and one red. The Cheeses that we picked out were a Pepperjack, a Havarti, and a Gouda. The wines that we ended up with the Bay Bridge Moscato, the Pinetti Rose and the Colorblock Cabernet Sauvignon. The Bay Bridge Moscato did not contain any information about what vintage it was from which was disappointing, but for only $2.99 it is hard to complain. Without the cheese, it tasted sweet, florally with notes of elderflower, and thick in a sugary way. I don't think I would buy this wine again, because since it was so sugary it was almost unenjoyable. When paired with the havarti, it was harder to pick up on the taste of the wine, but I do think it